The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Blue October

So recently the radio has been playing this song by Blue October that pretty much fits perfectly with the way I felt this past fall (Which is iroinc since the name of the band is Blue October) and from time to time, now:

I have to block out thoughts of you, so i don't loose my head
They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed
Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I'm alone
Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home
There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain
An ounce of peace is all I want for you, Will you never call again?
And will you never say that you care about me just to put it in my face
And will you never try to reach me, it is you that wanted this

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
Hate me and wait, yeah wait for it to swollow
Hate me so you can finally see whats good for you

In a sick way I want to thank you for holding my head up late at night While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight
You never doubted my warped opinoins on things like Christianity
You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take
So I'll drive so fucking far away that I'll never cross your mind
And do whatever it takes in my heart to leave you behind

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
Hate me and wait, yeah wait for it to swollow
Hate me so you can finally see whats good for you

And when the sad hard eyes say bye to you and wave
Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I have made
And like a baby boy I never was a man
Until I saw your blue eyes cry and I held your face in my hand
And then I found out I can't make it go away, just make it stop
Come back and shine just like it used to be
And then she whispered "How could you did this to me?"

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
Now a changed word or two, and omitted a line about alcholism (I am not there yet) but it is strange because it fits in perfectly to how i felt this past fall, and like a siad, from time to time, i still feel today...

Monday, February 27, 2006

How I Feel After the Olympics

Some people look at a flag, swaying in the breeze of the White House and say, "That's America." Whenever I see an American flag hung in a window of a basement apartment by guys who have better things to do with their money than buy curtains, I say, "That's America, to me." The one thing I am sure of is, if I'm standing in a warehouse beside a timeclock, and a guy is punching in his best friend who's too hungover to get out of bed, I'm standing in America. The makeover capital of the world. The place where every young man has to answer in his heart the question: What do you love more, your girlfriend, or your car? Where that young man can buy a beat-up car for three hundred dollars, but have to spend a thousand to insure it. The land where even a paperboy can option the film rights to a book. America. In America, a woman on an assembly line works out her overtime in her head to infinity, and at the exact same moment, her husband gets into a car crash because he was looking at a girl in a tube top. America. A land where spelling doesn't count, but people's pets do. Where else can you get a job riding a whale at marineland? The land where a guy's girlfriend breaks up with him over the phone, so he takes a gun, and kills the principal. Everyone's sad until they get the day off. Next week, another guy, another gal, another, "We can still be friends" phone call. Whuh-oh! The *assistant* principal gets killed. And everyone is sad because they *don't* get the day off. Because he was only the assistant principal. America. A land of opportunity. Yes, that great lumbering beast that journeys tirelessly and stops only to eat a clubouse sandwich, pick its teeth with a matchbook cover, and fall asleep with the tv on. America. A place for Americans. A place for people like Bode Miller (Biggest.Olympic.Disapointment.Ever!) Lindsey Jacobellis (Win the race FIRST, then celebrate.) and Chad Hedrick. (Yet another Texan angry at a black man for a dumbass reason.) The blame for this needs to be spread all around. I mean America, quite frankly, we are the laziest nation/genration of Americans, as a whole, ever. Did you know that in a USA Today poll released recently, 21% of Americans hope to recieve the money for their retirment via winning the lottery! THE LOTTERY!!! And we wonder why we just expect to show up to The Olympics and have the medals given to us. (2004 Men's Basketball team, 2006 USA Hockey team, Bode Miller, I am looking at you...) I look at President Bush too. (Note: Voted for him, and don't regret it, I would do it again today.) Where was he? I mean when I am President of the United States (Remember Wagner for President in 2020) I am going to be front row, Spike Lee at MSG stlye, at every event I can get to. The President needs to be a motivator. By motivating our citizens, it would do more for our nation then any bill or tax cut...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Biggers Crouton I Ever Saw

The biggest crouton I ever saw was 5 feet by 6 feet. It took three guys to lift it. So, if you and your friend wanted to lift this crouton, you'd still need another guy. That's how big the crouton was! The guy who owned it, kept it in a shed, wrapped in velvet. And, if you wanted to see it, he'd take you there, but it cost you fifteen dollars cash down. . .and you'd have to be drunk. Drunk--so you wouldn't know where he kept the crouton. They called him Ol' Daryl, although he was only eighteen years old. It was one of those names folks hoped he'd grow into. . .sorta like. . .Hank, you know? Ol' Daryl loved his crouton so much that it worried his girlfriend, Hazel--a name that no one ever grows into. And one day, she said, "You know, Ol' Daryl, I think you love that ol' crouton more than you love me!" "Welp, there's the door," he said. And at that he motioned at a large hole in the wall that he intended to build a door into as soon as he got some tools. So, the fight ended in a compromise. He decided to buy her a humidifier. And as fate would have it, as they were out that night, some kids. . .kids I guess about-about your ages, your sizes, smells, uh, hair color, and ethnocentric backgrounds. . .were out in the midst of a rango-tango devil-maker spree, and they happened upon the crouton shack. They broke right in. They "claim" they were looking for mother's days gifts, but I don't believe that. . .because as soon as they saw that crouton, they had their little Swiss Army knives poised, and they started hackin' away and that beautiful crouton. . .just to garnish their selfish salads. And then they skidattled as mysteriously as they came. They were kids a lot like you. And by the time Ol' Daryl came home with that humidifier under his right arm, that crouton, once mighty and towering, was now the size of say a Rubick's Cube. And if you were there, in the middle of that monday night, you mighta heard the sound of crying. . .male crying--the rarest kind. Nowadays Ol' Daryl, well, he looks his name, cuz people don't come to see that crouton no more, just teenage girls who want to use it for earrings. And when he and his woman aren't buying lottery tickets, he's out lookin' at that shack, just rememberin'. Yep.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

It is a Fabio world

Fabio was on my flight that day. Of course it was a flight to L.A. "Fabio's here, Fabio's here-my god it's Fabio!"...and those were the guys. Everyone, everyone, everyone knew who he was. And I thought to myself, huh! It's a Fabio world. It's a big strong jawed, blond hair blowin' in the wind, rose for the lady, "are you two sisters?", Fabio world. "Fabio's on board, he's eating a small package of salted peanuts...I wish he would eat me!"...and those were the guys. It is a Fabio world, but you know what? It's also a Scuba world. I am Scuba! I fall asleep with the tv on, I love reggae music, I am Scuba! I eat spaghetti for breakfast, I call my mom collect, she doesn't care, she knows I'm Scuba! I get drunk and cynical, twice a year I get so drunk I puke in my bed! But I don't care because I am Scuba...As we deplane...which is a fancy word for "get off the plane now," there was Fabio. I couldn't believe he was still on board. I thought that somehow he would have got there ahead of us. He was with a man with a sign that said "Fabio". I went with a man that had the sign that said "Taxi". And as we were picking up our luggage, our eyes locked, and he gave me a look as if to say: "I am Fabio. I stand before you strong, but inside, I am Fabio, merchant of self-loathing. I will be discarded one day, Steve, in the bin with Rico Suave and...and the good looking guy from CHiPs. Everytime I kiss a quivering girl's hand i ask myself, 'Fabio? Is this your last one?' But you are Scuba and always shall be!'"

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Some new music you should keep your ear open for is Matisyahu. (Pronounced like Modest Yahoo) There are 3 things that I love about his music. First of all, it is regge, which is an awesome type of music. 2nd, the dude, Matisyahu, (it is his first name) was born in West Chester. 3rd off, it is deeply spiritual. No not like Bob Marley with his crazy Rastifarian rantings, (though that is still some great music) Here is an example of Matisyahu's work, from his song that you might even be hearing on the radio, because they are playing it down here all the time, which is awesome:
You're all that I have and you're all that I need
Each and every day I pray to get to know you please
I wanna to be close to you, yes I'm so hungry
You're like water for my soul when it gets thirsty
Without you there's no me
You're the air that I breathe
Sometimes the world is dark and I just can't see
With these, demons surround all around to bring me down to negativity
But I believe, yes I believe, I said I believe
I'll stand on my own two feet
Won't be brought down on one knee
Fight with all of my might and get these demons to flee
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I believe
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I believe
Out of darkness comes light, twilight unto the heights
Crown Heights burnin' up all through the twilight
Said, thank you to my God, now I finally got it right
And I'll fight with all of my heart, and all a' my soul, and all a' my might

Chorus 2x:
What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
I give myself to you now from the essence of my being
And I sing to my God songs of love and healing
I want Mashiach now, time we start revealing

Me no want no sinsemilla
That would only bring me down
Burn away by brain no way my brain is too compound
Elevate on my soul you're a fire in my sound
Like the sun over some rain earning up to a cloud
Bible food for my brain let it rain till I drown
Let the blessings come down
Now that is being played on main stream radio, accompanied by some kick ass music too. Now there is a small catch, see
Matisyahu is a devote Jew. The sad part is, that this will turn people off to the message, mainly because they are too ignorant
know the true meaning of the song, or the purpose of Matisyahu's music. He main goal is to preach faith and sprirtuality, not
Judaism. He understands that this world is lacking spirituality and faith, so he offers a cornerstone, a foundation to start a
relationship with God. It is our job as Christians to take this message, which tells of the benefits and the hope provided by God,
and use the foundation and build on it.. I think this is the best thing to happen to Christian music in a long time, of course a lot
of people will disagree with me on this, because, well, a lot of people don't see things like me., and according to them, I will
end up in hell.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just call me D-3...

So starting about last week sometime, Murph and I started this little debate about just .how good of a basketball player I am. Right now, we agree on the fact that I am a decent street/playground player. I think it goes a step further though. I think I could walk onto a Division 3 basketball team, and play some decent minutes, if not start. Murph thinks that even if I make the team, I would be riding the pine pony. Now I have to admit, I have lost a couple of steps as the years have gone by. Ever since I broke off a good chunk of my radial head, (the bone on the inside of your elbow, which I broke by dunking the ball) I don't have the handle and I have had to change my shot a bit. Plus the time laid up, I lost about 8 inches on my vertical which I haven't gained back. (Was 36 inchs now only 28ish) But I know my fundamentals, infect I would go as far and say that Niesmith smiles when I have the ball, because I don't travel, like everyone else in the NBA. Given about 6 more months though, I will be able to pull off the train that when I return to school this fall, I will be the Shot Blocking, mid-range jumper shooting, high flying dunker, vice like defense playing White Insanity, aka Whi-Sanity, (Like Vin-Sanity).

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

At the end of the road

So today at work we hosted a funeral reception. There is nothing more depressing then being around people in mourning in the morning. What was real sad was the fact that there was no laughing, no smiles, no celebration of the life of the man who passed. I mean yes it is sad that his family will no longer be able to see their brother, father, and husband. I hope that when I die, people will get together and celebrate though. No not the fact that I am no longer there to get in their hair, annoy them, or piss them off. I will use the passing of my grandfather as an example. My Grandfather was an amazing man, always there for me. Even though he was a CEO/ Co-founder of his own company, a prof at the Naval Academy, avid traveler, he attended every one of my sporting events. When he died, I was very sad, even though it was expected due to the stroke he suffered the year before his passing. But then the day of his funeral, there was no normal eulogy, yet people from our family, including myself, got up and told stories about my grandfather. Yes there was crying, but I remember most the laughter from the stories told. We all knew that my grandfather had passed into a greater life, and that he would always be with us through the stories and the memories he left us with. I love being with my family because even though he isn't there physically, we always are sharing stories about him, and it is like he is there. We the good Lord takes me from this world, I hope people realize that there is no reason to be sad. Enjoy the good times we had, and celebrate the new life that comes from death.

"It is difficult to say, goodbye, after, only one ride. And this burning tree, it's withering, will bloom again would you believe. And now all that's left, are pictures on the wall, memories and stories that are told. The more often told, the bigger they become, creating legacies, lest we forget. But someone woke me up, in the midst of dreaming fantasy's, half way there. And He always fills my cup, and He lifts me up, oh how He lifts me up." -Plankeye

Monday, February 20, 2006

The United Methodist Church

First off every single person who reads this blog, needs to read this story by my boy D-Murph. "Rah Rah Rah! Sis Boom Bah! Cheerleading is a Sport? Ha!" I wish I could write like that, but alas, I am content with my dry and witty sarcasm. So today I observed/conclude a what I find to be a interesting and obscure fact. Methodist men, more specifically United Methodist men, are probably the most efficient workers, and the best at putting chairs and tables away. It extends to our women as well. Infact I would take one United Methodist women over 2 Methodist, or 3 Lutherans, or 5 Prebertyrians, or even 20 Baptist women. In my many years of living and doing the paricular things I do, I have put quite a few chairs and tables away, and never before have I stacked chairs better,or accomplished a particular task quicker and more efficiantly, then with a fellow Methodist. I a pretty sure it is because we are all team players. When there is a dirty and daughting task such as tearing down a banquet, we banned together, young, old, rich and poor alike, and get the job done. It is probably why the Eastern Pennsylvania United Methodist Confrence is the best Confrence pretty much in the word. I mean it has the best city in it, Philadelphia, and it is United Methodist, plus the Plateau, the best Christian camp. All this talk raises that ever puzzling question, what Do Rush Limbaugh and Hilarey Clinton have in common? They are both lifetime members of the United Methodist Church...Yes we are just that good

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Story of the Little Blue Pill and the Eletric Slide

Once upon a time, (last night) there was a man (me) who worked at this place with a lot of slower, unhappy people. ( bitter idiots) Some of the higher ups thought that it would be a great idea to host a dinner for the players of a tournement that was taking place at the golf course. The also decided that the players could bring their wive. (and their mothers and pretty much everyone they had ever met before aswell) Now this was just a little more (Max compasitt: 135, total attendance: ~220) then the country club could house. That was okay, they wanted to be open and nice to their fellow neighbors and firends, the Afro-Americans. (Their words not mine.) Now this was not any dinner, oh no, it was a steak dinner, and fine steak at that, and knowing their friends, the Afro-Americans (Again, their words, not mine.) so well, they manger at the clubs knew that they did not like red meat at all, and all the steaks should be towards the well done end. (My orders for rare and med rare out number all of my other orders, 2:1) For some strange reason, (Over cooked meat) everyone there wanted steak sauce for their stake because it was slightly dry, but there was only 3 bottles of sauce to go to all 220 people. This mad the people who were eating cranky, and in turn they made the unhappy slow employees even more unhappy. But Steve kept the mood light and joked around with his people, because he was waiting the head table, along with others, and knew if he kept the higher ups happy, maybe there would be a trickle down effect. (That and I wanted a bigger tip) Despite Steve's efforts there was no trickle down effect and his happieness only was spread to his tables, and worst yet, everyones bad attitudes were bring him down. But then it happened, Right after the dessert was handed out, (Finally), there was a glimmer of hope. The music started to play, and the wonderful song, The Eletric Slide began to serenade the audiende. (Blare through the speakers) Now this wonderful music was able to break the spell that Steve could not. All of the Afro-Americans (Last time, there totally racist and politacally incorrect words) and their friends hit the dance floor with smiles on their faces. But despite the fact that this raised Steve's happieness to even greater heights ( I mean it is the freakin' Electric Slide, it is impossible to frown while listening to it.) the slower, unhappy employees were still down. But then like a second wind, there was an amazing event brought about by the a nice old couple to bring the slow unhapy empoyees to their depressing knees. A man at the ripe age of 82 years young,with the assistance of a little blue pill and some drinks, (nothing like viagra and beer to geta party going) and his wife of 75 years young, hit the dance floor and started dancing. (They did the robot!! how Freaking awesome is THAT!) Their dance (The robot) inspired all to enjoy the moment a live. (Everyone laughed their asses off) Because of the electric slide and a little blue pill, everyone went home with a little bit better life. (Espically me, with $150+ in tips) The End

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bode Miller, Please Shut up

So I am pretty much fed up with Bode Miller. Why is he even over in Turino. He obviously doesn't have a competitive streak, and I am offended that he is representing my country. In his damn commercials he talks about it being okay not to win medals as long as you inspire people. He certainly hasn't inspired me. Now Lindsey Kildow, she is inspiring. Being dragged off the mountain in a medical sled, then coming back two days later to compete, that is guts, that is the true American spirit. Granted this is what Bode was talking about, but they should have shots of Lindsey, not him. Bode Miller has offically gone into the over hyped bin with Dan O'Brien.
On the positive side of the Olympics, is there any greater moment in sports then the medal cermony. To be standing there with the gold around your neck and your national anthem blairing for all to see, it gives me chills just to watch it on TV. I love the Olympics, and I am now addicted to curling.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

NBC and Olympic Hockey: Oil and Water

Simply put the NBC hockey commentators know as much about hockey as Eric Crouch knew about playing WR. They know nothing about the game. For starters, it seems as though they forgot to hire a statistion. If I had a nickle for everytime I have heard, "I would like to see the stat of..." They just said they wanted to know how many faceoffs that Germany has won. That is a stat you can keep yourself as a commentator. These people are idiots. You can take the game i am currently watching as a key example. It is between Germany and the Cech Republic. Now the CR is a favorite to win the gold medal, everyone knows that, I mean it has be come the cliche pick for the gold. Germany managed to score a chance, very lucky goal at the tail end of the first period to take a 1-0 lead. At the intermission report, Bill Clement and Rob Fererro were acting like it was the miricale on ice all over again. They were talking about it being the biggest upset this side of 1980. This was after 20 minutes and there was still 40 minutes to play. As I predicted, the CR team came back and scored 2 quick goals with in the first 5 minutes. Another big mistake they made was the fact that Dominc Hasek, the starting goalie for the CR was injured in the 1st period and had to leave the game. Here it is the 3rd period and they have yet to tell us what has happened to him. I mean this is big news, and they have blown this off like it was nothing. I mean the closest thing we have gotten to an injury report, is the sideline reported asking a player while he was going to the locker room. Lets get a little more effort here.

PS: Bode Miller needs to shut up

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Beard Grooming

There has been a lot of talk out there lately about the legitimacy of beard grooming competitions, is it or is it not a sport. My answer is simple and it comes in a neat 4 word package: Shut up, it is. It is certainly more of a sports then NASCAR. Karl Hineshill is more of an athlete then Jeff Gordon will ever be. Karl Hineshill can drive, I would like to see Danica Patrick grow a beard. It's not going to happen. Do you know how many years it takes to groom the perfect goatee? There are two on record, one belongs to Fernado Vienia and the other to Jim Rome. Fernado would agree that it takes years and skill to pull it off. Now bump it up a notch and grow a triple handlebar mustache, or a beard in the shape of a checkmark and you are talking a life time of commitment. Final there is a sport that the Swedes can dominate. So next time you come to me asking "Is beard grooming a sport?" Ask yourself this "Why the hell are Mach 3 Turbo refills so damn expensive?" There is your answer, I am out.

The Gates of Hell

I have been to the gates of Hell in back, for they lie in the kitchen of Brooksville Country Club. It wasn't too bad thanks to the advice I recived from Remix. He told me that "you just have to put on a smile and suck it up...the key is to motivate this by loathing everyone else" (paraphrased) This method seems to work, and the best part is that it is not hard with those I work with. This certainly applies with my co-worker who we shall name, "The Gate Keeper". The Gate Keeper is a one person, mullet wearing, parade of hill billie pride. Being middle aged and I assume single, only because no man in his clear/sober man would touch her, she feels the need to constantly hit on every male...including the UPS man....poor poor UPS man...She tried all of her Gate Keeper Powers to seduce him into a date tonight, but the UPS stood tall, taking the bullet for the rest of us males at the club long enough for us to escape without her attempts on us...i would have to say that she is the middle age equvilant to Africa Sanchez...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Over Blown Cartoon

Ok what is the deal with this cartoon about the profit Muhammad. Granted, I have not seen the cartoon itself, but come really, is it that offensive that riots are nessisary? I mean this as no bash to the religion itself, because I respect others opions, but I thought that Islam, and Muslims in genral were suppose to be peaceful. I mean that is what you have been telling us time after time one of your members have blown something up. Now someone draws a cartoon shinning an unplesent light upon the cornerfigure of your religion, in October none the less, and now in Feburary you feel the need to riot day after day after day after day. The real funny thing is that right after Fox News ran a story about yet another riot due to the cartoon, the ran a story about a two "Bossum Buddies" (Their words not mine) that are torching one baptist church after another down south. You do think that the Christians in Toronto will start to riot in June? Of course not. It is a cartoon! There are cartoons dissing Jesus drawn 100x more often then one bashing Muhammad. All in all I am just calling for you to put your money where your mouth is, if you are a peaceful religion, then be peaceful and shut up about the damn cartoon.

Side note, while I was writing this, pretty much the funniest commercial ever came on, it was for All Bran and it talked about making your insides happy, with singing puppets none the less. If that doesnt make you laugh you mist be dead because the funny writes itself.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

You know you live in the South....

So today, when I woke up, it was freezing. Florida is being hit with record low temps, with highs reaching into the upper 40s. It is even suppose to dip into the 20s tonight and tomorrow mourning. So today when I went grocery shopping, it was like I was living up north, excpt for a hand full of occurances that reminded me of where I was. For starters, walking into wal-mart, there was an old Ford Bronco parked on the sidewalk. This was no ordinary Bronco though, oh no, this one was decked out in a camo paint job. There was probably a gun rack in the back. Then when I got into the store I was cut off by a 5' 0" adult cowboy. There was this little man deck out in everything but the assless chaps, quite the funny seen. Then I came home and flip on the TV and turn to watch the olympics which where just starting. The thing was, the olympic coverage cut the Daytona 500 qualifying short, and they started the Olympic coverage before the Daytona coverage was finished. When they announced that they were not going to be showing the end of the Daytona coverage, you could here every person who lived beneath the Mason Dickson line cry. It was these things I have to remind me of where I am now living, that and the fact that 50 degrees is concidered a winter colf front down here

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The PA Showdown

So yesterday, as I was working, as usual i was thinking about anything but work. For some strange reason, who knows where thoughts come from, I started to think about the up coming govenor election in PA. This election has the potential to be the biggest East vs West battle ever. If Lynn Swann gets the Republican nomination, it will set up a match up between Pittsburgh's hometown hero (Swann, frm Super Bowl MVP and 4 time champion as Steelers WR) against Phillys boy, current govenor Democrate Ed Rendell (Former Philly mayor, DA, and big time Eagles fan.) This gets me so pumped up, which is rather sad. (But if you were living in Brooksville you would understand.) Of course Rendell is the better. I mean for starters he is from Philly. This was the man who 4 years prior to being elected mayor, started a bet in the stands of Veterans standium that he would give 500$ to any Eagles fan to hit Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson in the head with a snowball. I don't know about you but that is my kind of guy, I mean that alone should qualify him for President. Now that would be amazing....Ed Rendell going up against probably Republican Nominee Rudi Gulianii...The Ultimate New York vs Philly Showdown...If that doesn't get you blood flowing, well then you probably are a cool person with a life, unlike myself, obviously

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Fun times at work

Things I have learned in my new job: People are dumbasses. More specifically, people who live in Hernando County. For starters, I have stopped attemping to correct people in their grammar, because I ended up correcting about 8 out of every 10 sentences. The fun really starts to roll when they try to talk about politics. Liberals and Conservatives alike have no idea about what they are talking about. The other day a man came in, sat down and at the top of his lungs started to proclaim that Bush stole the 2000 election and that the they actual votes said that Gore won. First off, yes Gore won the majority vote, this is true, but Bush won the electoral College vote, the only one that matters. Then he went on to say he probably won the 2004 election outright, but that he wouldn't be surprised if the computers in Ohio won it for him. That they fixed the computers to vote for Bush, and since there were no hard copy back ups that the Republicans exploited this fact to get away with stealing the election. He said it was all this globalization, and that they were trying to make things all computerized so that the Republicans can hack into the computers and steal everything from everyone. He told me he would rather "do it like the founding fathers did it and cast there vote via stone tablet." (his exact words) I tried my best not to laughed out loud. This is the same guy that came rolling up in he H2 hummer yelling into his new razor cell phone. Then he started to tell me how CNN was filling me up with there conservative bias. This just baffled me, and was the true sign that this man knew absolutely nothing. I mean CNN is the most Liberal station on TV. Hell the entire media has a liberal bias. If you can't recognize that, you just need you right to vote revoked.
-"Well if I was President, I would make it a law that everyone has to be nice to everyone, and no one could stole or murder anyone."
-"And how would you enforce that"
-"Well...Uh...I would make it a law"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A begining

It was once said to me by a friend that he would pay a great sum of money to spend just 5 minutes in my brian...well for those of you who were thinking that same idea, I will give you an all access pass for free. Now you may be saying to yourself..."Self, Blogs? that seems kind of gimmicky to me." Well I will have to say, i though the exact same thing but then I remembered that gimmicks have long been a cornerstone to the American Culture. From Ryan Seacrest, to vanilla coke, to the Amish, these whymsical experiments are what makes us better then the Russians. Well I am out yo, peace be the journey and remember, if you are out on your bike tonight, as always do where white...