The Mind of Scuba

Monday, February 13, 2006

Over Blown Cartoon

Ok what is the deal with this cartoon about the profit Muhammad. Granted, I have not seen the cartoon itself, but come really, is it that offensive that riots are nessisary? I mean this as no bash to the religion itself, because I respect others opions, but I thought that Islam, and Muslims in genral were suppose to be peaceful. I mean that is what you have been telling us time after time one of your members have blown something up. Now someone draws a cartoon shinning an unplesent light upon the cornerfigure of your religion, in October none the less, and now in Feburary you feel the need to riot day after day after day after day. The real funny thing is that right after Fox News ran a story about yet another riot due to the cartoon, the ran a story about a two "Bossum Buddies" (Their words not mine) that are torching one baptist church after another down south. You do think that the Christians in Toronto will start to riot in June? Of course not. It is a cartoon! There are cartoons dissing Jesus drawn 100x more often then one bashing Muhammad. All in all I am just calling for you to put your money where your mouth is, if you are a peaceful religion, then be peaceful and shut up about the damn cartoon.

Side note, while I was writing this, pretty much the funniest commercial ever came on, it was for All Bran and it talked about making your insides happy, with singing puppets none the less. If that doesnt make you laugh you mist be dead because the funny writes itself.


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