The Mind of Scuba

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My take on Frosty

So this time each year, the kiddies gather around the TV to watch those cheesy Chirstmas specials from the 1960's. It is a time honored tradition, one that I personally looked forward to for many years. One particualerly aways made me really said, and that was the original Frosty. This is where a little girl named Karen finds a hat of a magician, puts it on a snowman and he comes to life. Though soon the weather turns a bit warm and Frosty begins to melt. Plus the magician wants his hat back so Frosty and Karen decide to flee to the north pole. There the find out that Karen, being human and all, doesnt do to well with the cold weather. They find a green house filled with pionsettias though, and so they decide to warm up there. Against Karen's wishes, Frosty joins her in the green house. Not much later, the magician catches up with them and locks them in the green house, cause Frosty to horrible is that. Granted, Santa comes and chases the magician away, and brings back Frosty with a gust of cold air. But death in a Christmas special? I guess we can say that it is symbolic and all. Frosty is Jesus and Santa is God..[because soon after Frosty comes back to life, he leaves saying, "I'll be back again someday..."] Who would of thought that Frosty could tell us about Jesus...


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