The Mind of Scuba

Thursday, December 07, 2006

[insert title here]

First off I would like to apologize for not getting a post up yesterday. I know how devastating that must have been. Yesterday was an interesting one of sorts. Have you ever been blamed for an entire generation of females dressing like "prostitutes"? After yesterday, I can finally answer yes to that question...

Anyway. So I read an interesting passage yesterday in the book "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. I don't want to talk about it too much because, frankly, it is going to be my big Christmas present. A lot of my friends will be getting a copy [fingers crossed]. But it talked about the fact that all to often we have this perfect picture of who we should be as Christians. Then it talked about how we need to take that image out back and put a bullet in it's head...Killing our "Superwhatever". I think that is enough on that for right now.

Question: If you had to touch either Fergi or Madonna, first who would tough? Secondly what disease would you get?

I would like to get some response to this, so please send them to me....


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