The Mind of Scuba

Monday, February 20, 2006

The United Methodist Church

First off every single person who reads this blog, needs to read this story by my boy D-Murph. "Rah Rah Rah! Sis Boom Bah! Cheerleading is a Sport? Ha!" I wish I could write like that, but alas, I am content with my dry and witty sarcasm. So today I observed/conclude a what I find to be a interesting and obscure fact. Methodist men, more specifically United Methodist men, are probably the most efficient workers, and the best at putting chairs and tables away. It extends to our women as well. Infact I would take one United Methodist women over 2 Methodist, or 3 Lutherans, or 5 Prebertyrians, or even 20 Baptist women. In my many years of living and doing the paricular things I do, I have put quite a few chairs and tables away, and never before have I stacked chairs better,or accomplished a particular task quicker and more efficiantly, then with a fellow Methodist. I a pretty sure it is because we are all team players. When there is a dirty and daughting task such as tearing down a banquet, we banned together, young, old, rich and poor alike, and get the job done. It is probably why the Eastern Pennsylvania United Methodist Confrence is the best Confrence pretty much in the word. I mean it has the best city in it, Philadelphia, and it is United Methodist, plus the Plateau, the best Christian camp. All this talk raises that ever puzzling question, what Do Rush Limbaugh and Hilarey Clinton have in common? They are both lifetime members of the United Methodist Church...Yes we are just that good


  • witty doesn't have an 'h' in it and sarcasm doesn't have an 'i'

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:52 PM  

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