The Mind of Scuba

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Story of the Little Blue Pill and the Eletric Slide

Once upon a time, (last night) there was a man (me) who worked at this place with a lot of slower, unhappy people. ( bitter idiots) Some of the higher ups thought that it would be a great idea to host a dinner for the players of a tournement that was taking place at the golf course. The also decided that the players could bring their wive. (and their mothers and pretty much everyone they had ever met before aswell) Now this was just a little more (Max compasitt: 135, total attendance: ~220) then the country club could house. That was okay, they wanted to be open and nice to their fellow neighbors and firends, the Afro-Americans. (Their words not mine.) Now this was not any dinner, oh no, it was a steak dinner, and fine steak at that, and knowing their friends, the Afro-Americans (Again, their words, not mine.) so well, they manger at the clubs knew that they did not like red meat at all, and all the steaks should be towards the well done end. (My orders for rare and med rare out number all of my other orders, 2:1) For some strange reason, (Over cooked meat) everyone there wanted steak sauce for their stake because it was slightly dry, but there was only 3 bottles of sauce to go to all 220 people. This mad the people who were eating cranky, and in turn they made the unhappy slow employees even more unhappy. But Steve kept the mood light and joked around with his people, because he was waiting the head table, along with others, and knew if he kept the higher ups happy, maybe there would be a trickle down effect. (That and I wanted a bigger tip) Despite Steve's efforts there was no trickle down effect and his happieness only was spread to his tables, and worst yet, everyones bad attitudes were bring him down. But then it happened, Right after the dessert was handed out, (Finally), there was a glimmer of hope. The music started to play, and the wonderful song, The Eletric Slide began to serenade the audiende. (Blare through the speakers) Now this wonderful music was able to break the spell that Steve could not. All of the Afro-Americans (Last time, there totally racist and politacally incorrect words) and their friends hit the dance floor with smiles on their faces. But despite the fact that this raised Steve's happieness to even greater heights ( I mean it is the freakin' Electric Slide, it is impossible to frown while listening to it.) the slower, unhappy employees were still down. But then like a second wind, there was an amazing event brought about by the a nice old couple to bring the slow unhapy empoyees to their depressing knees. A man at the ripe age of 82 years young,with the assistance of a little blue pill and some drinks, (nothing like viagra and beer to geta party going) and his wife of 75 years young, hit the dance floor and started dancing. (They did the robot!! how Freaking awesome is THAT!) Their dance (The robot) inspired all to enjoy the moment a live. (Everyone laughed their asses off) Because of the electric slide and a little blue pill, everyone went home with a little bit better life. (Espically me, with $150+ in tips) The End


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