The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

At the end of the road

So today at work we hosted a funeral reception. There is nothing more depressing then being around people in mourning in the morning. What was real sad was the fact that there was no laughing, no smiles, no celebration of the life of the man who passed. I mean yes it is sad that his family will no longer be able to see their brother, father, and husband. I hope that when I die, people will get together and celebrate though. No not the fact that I am no longer there to get in their hair, annoy them, or piss them off. I will use the passing of my grandfather as an example. My Grandfather was an amazing man, always there for me. Even though he was a CEO/ Co-founder of his own company, a prof at the Naval Academy, avid traveler, he attended every one of my sporting events. When he died, I was very sad, even though it was expected due to the stroke he suffered the year before his passing. But then the day of his funeral, there was no normal eulogy, yet people from our family, including myself, got up and told stories about my grandfather. Yes there was crying, but I remember most the laughter from the stories told. We all knew that my grandfather had passed into a greater life, and that he would always be with us through the stories and the memories he left us with. I love being with my family because even though he isn't there physically, we always are sharing stories about him, and it is like he is there. We the good Lord takes me from this world, I hope people realize that there is no reason to be sad. Enjoy the good times we had, and celebrate the new life that comes from death.

"It is difficult to say, goodbye, after, only one ride. And this burning tree, it's withering, will bloom again would you believe. And now all that's left, are pictures on the wall, memories and stories that are told. The more often told, the bigger they become, creating legacies, lest we forget. But someone woke me up, in the midst of dreaming fantasy's, half way there. And He always fills my cup, and He lifts me up, oh how He lifts me up." -Plankeye


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