The Mind of Scuba

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bode Miller, Please Shut up

So I am pretty much fed up with Bode Miller. Why is he even over in Turino. He obviously doesn't have a competitive streak, and I am offended that he is representing my country. In his damn commercials he talks about it being okay not to win medals as long as you inspire people. He certainly hasn't inspired me. Now Lindsey Kildow, she is inspiring. Being dragged off the mountain in a medical sled, then coming back two days later to compete, that is guts, that is the true American spirit. Granted this is what Bode was talking about, but they should have shots of Lindsey, not him. Bode Miller has offically gone into the over hyped bin with Dan O'Brien.
On the positive side of the Olympics, is there any greater moment in sports then the medal cermony. To be standing there with the gold around your neck and your national anthem blairing for all to see, it gives me chills just to watch it on TV. I love the Olympics, and I am now addicted to curling.


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