The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

An open Letter to Dan Glickman, CEO of the MPAA

Dear Mr. Glickman:
I am writing in complete disgust after reading your “Thank you” on the MPAA website. You smug son of a bitch. You talk about how the movie business reflect the society of America, and quite frankly I am appalled at such a notion. You, the MPAA, reflect more of a totalitarian fascist regime then that of such a grand republic as The United Stated of America. You talk about how it is wonderful it is to experience the products of the entertainment business, which is true, but you only allude to the fact that it cost an arm an a leg do so. Who’s fault is it? Look in the mirror my friend. Everyone hides behind the simple capitalistic concept of “supply and demand”, a symbol of America, yet the reason there is so little supply is because of you. Every time someone attempts to give us something affordable, you feel the need to cut them down. “Oh we don’t have enough money, boo hoo, Metallica is cannot put food on the table for their kids.” Well let me tell you something, Metallica sucks, they need to sleep in the bed they made. Secondly, at the same time this is happening, the bigger business people, like Google and Youtube, do the same exact things the “hooligans and their shenanigans” are doing yet because they slip you a few million, you turn a blind eye. How do you sleep at night with the little Timmy’s that come down stairs to watch Captain Planet on the internet, yet they cannot because you shut down the site. What is he suppose to do now? Watch the DVD? You haven’t let it been released! Where else is he suppose to learn about protecting the environment, or that Heart is still a respectable super power, though not as cool as Fire even Earth. School? What kid pays attention in school? For shame Mr Glickman, for shame. You are The Man, and you are keeping us down. How does that feel? Rest assured my congressmen will be getting letters from me daily until your house of cards as been toppled.

Stephen T. Wagner


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