The Mind of Scuba

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The PA Showdown

So yesterday, as I was working, as usual i was thinking about anything but work. For some strange reason, who knows where thoughts come from, I started to think about the up coming govenor election in PA. This election has the potential to be the biggest East vs West battle ever. If Lynn Swann gets the Republican nomination, it will set up a match up between Pittsburgh's hometown hero (Swann, frm Super Bowl MVP and 4 time champion as Steelers WR) against Phillys boy, current govenor Democrate Ed Rendell (Former Philly mayor, DA, and big time Eagles fan.) This gets me so pumped up, which is rather sad. (But if you were living in Brooksville you would understand.) Of course Rendell is the better. I mean for starters he is from Philly. This was the man who 4 years prior to being elected mayor, started a bet in the stands of Veterans standium that he would give 500$ to any Eagles fan to hit Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson in the head with a snowball. I don't know about you but that is my kind of guy, I mean that alone should qualify him for President. Now that would be amazing....Ed Rendell going up against probably Republican Nominee Rudi Gulianii...The Ultimate New York vs Philly Showdown...If that doesn't get you blood flowing, well then you probably are a cool person with a life, unlike myself, obviously


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