The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Grandest Christmas Tree of Them All: Chapter 1- the legend

It was a brisk night, with that Jack Frost nip in the air. Once again, Little Timmy was forced by his parents to stay up way past his normally rigid 7pm bed time. Usually this would be met with much rejoicing from such an oppressed youngster, yet Little Timmy knew what would be in store for him this night. It has been the same for as long as he could remember. Every year his parents would get caught up in the Christmas wave that swept the nation, the search for the grandest Christmas tree of them all, Pinus Alba Magnifica. Legend has it that many many years ago, when Little Timmy's great-grandfather was only knee high to a grass hopper, a very wealthy man set out on a journey to decorate a Christmas Tree truly fit for that of a new born King. It is said that the silver and gold ornaments adorn every branch the 50 foot tree. The lights are said to contain for colors then that of the Crayola 467 pack. The thing of it is, the old man didn't tell anyone where the tree was to be placed for he was terribly scared that people would find it and ruin it. The Tree stood for many years without any one's knowledge. Then one Christmas Eve, when the man was on his death bed, with his dying breathes he told his only family, his younger brother, about the tree, and that all of his wealth was on the tree. Before he could reveal the location of the tree, he died. The brother quickly gathered a small party of friends to set out to search for the tree. Unsuccessful, they vowed to search every Christmas Eve until the tree had been found and the gold and silver had been recovered. Every year, the search party grew bigger and bigger, and spread out to cover more and more land, yet still no one had found it. Soon, the News caught wind of the Tree, and would run story after story of it. Though no one had ever seen the tree itself, the whole United States of America would participate in the search, in hope that the person or family to find the tree would be able to split the wealth between themselves, and live happily ever after. Little Timmy's parents were no different. They were not well off by any means. So every Christmas Eve, the whole family would crowd into the families beat up old PT Cruiser, that barely ran anymore, not that it ran well to begin with, and spend countless hours in pursuit of the Tree...

to be continued


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