The Mind of Scuba

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Some new music you should keep your ear open for is Matisyahu. (Pronounced like Modest Yahoo) There are 3 things that I love about his music. First of all, it is regge, which is an awesome type of music. 2nd, the dude, Matisyahu, (it is his first name) was born in West Chester. 3rd off, it is deeply spiritual. No not like Bob Marley with his crazy Rastifarian rantings, (though that is still some great music) Here is an example of Matisyahu's work, from his song that you might even be hearing on the radio, because they are playing it down here all the time, which is awesome:
You're all that I have and you're all that I need
Each and every day I pray to get to know you please
I wanna to be close to you, yes I'm so hungry
You're like water for my soul when it gets thirsty
Without you there's no me
You're the air that I breathe
Sometimes the world is dark and I just can't see
With these, demons surround all around to bring me down to negativity
But I believe, yes I believe, I said I believe
I'll stand on my own two feet
Won't be brought down on one knee
Fight with all of my might and get these demons to flee
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I believe
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I believe
Out of darkness comes light, twilight unto the heights
Crown Heights burnin' up all through the twilight
Said, thank you to my God, now I finally got it right
And I'll fight with all of my heart, and all a' my soul, and all a' my might

Chorus 2x:
What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
I give myself to you now from the essence of my being
And I sing to my God songs of love and healing
I want Mashiach now, time we start revealing

Me no want no sinsemilla
That would only bring me down
Burn away by brain no way my brain is too compound
Elevate on my soul you're a fire in my sound
Like the sun over some rain earning up to a cloud
Bible food for my brain let it rain till I drown
Let the blessings come down
Now that is being played on main stream radio, accompanied by some kick ass music too. Now there is a small catch, see
Matisyahu is a devote Jew. The sad part is, that this will turn people off to the message, mainly because they are too ignorant
know the true meaning of the song, or the purpose of Matisyahu's music. He main goal is to preach faith and sprirtuality, not
Judaism. He understands that this world is lacking spirituality and faith, so he offers a cornerstone, a foundation to start a
relationship with God. It is our job as Christians to take this message, which tells of the benefits and the hope provided by God,
and use the foundation and build on it.. I think this is the best thing to happen to Christian music in a long time, of course a lot
of people will disagree with me on this, because, well, a lot of people don't see things like me., and according to them, I will
end up in hell.


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