The Mind of Scuba

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

NBC and Olympic Hockey: Oil and Water

Simply put the NBC hockey commentators know as much about hockey as Eric Crouch knew about playing WR. They know nothing about the game. For starters, it seems as though they forgot to hire a statistion. If I had a nickle for everytime I have heard, "I would like to see the stat of..." They just said they wanted to know how many faceoffs that Germany has won. That is a stat you can keep yourself as a commentator. These people are idiots. You can take the game i am currently watching as a key example. It is between Germany and the Cech Republic. Now the CR is a favorite to win the gold medal, everyone knows that, I mean it has be come the cliche pick for the gold. Germany managed to score a chance, very lucky goal at the tail end of the first period to take a 1-0 lead. At the intermission report, Bill Clement and Rob Fererro were acting like it was the miricale on ice all over again. They were talking about it being the biggest upset this side of 1980. This was after 20 minutes and there was still 40 minutes to play. As I predicted, the CR team came back and scored 2 quick goals with in the first 5 minutes. Another big mistake they made was the fact that Dominc Hasek, the starting goalie for the CR was injured in the 1st period and had to leave the game. Here it is the 3rd period and they have yet to tell us what has happened to him. I mean this is big news, and they have blown this off like it was nothing. I mean the closest thing we have gotten to an injury report, is the sideline reported asking a player while he was going to the locker room. Lets get a little more effort here.

PS: Bode Miller needs to shut up


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