The Mind of Scuba

Monday, December 04, 2006

Just a chill guy looking for a chill girl

This wasn't the original title to my blog post, it was "Just Another Manic Monday", but when I went to type that in, this popped up, so I figured I would go with it. It's funny, I think I used this on an online dating service. Yes I am a member of several. See, its not that I take any of them seriously, I do it more out of amusement. Lately is when I have really started to get into them. It all started when I thought it would be hilarious to start a profile and fill everything out with nothing but quotes from Dwight Schrute. Here is the Profile I cam up with:

"I come from a long line of fighters, my maternal grandfather was the toughest guy I ever knew. World War II veteran. He killed twenty men and then spent the rest of the war in an Allied prison camp... My father battled blood pressure and obesity all his life... different kind of fight. I was the youngest pilot in Pan Am history. When I was four, the pilot let me ride in the cockpit and fly the plane with him. And I was four, and I was great and I would have landed it, but my dad wanted us to go back to our seats. Yes, I have acted before. I was in a production Oklahoma in the seventh grade. I played the part of Mutey, the mailman. They had too many kids so they made up roles like that... I was good. Women are like wolves. If you want a wolf, you have to trap it. You have to snare it. And then you have to tame it. Keep it happy. Care for it. Feed it. Lovingly, the way an animal deserves to be loved. And my animal deserves a lot of loving. I am looking for someone who hits everything on my checklist: creamy skin, straight teeth, curly hair, amazing breasts. Not for me... for my children. The Wagner's produce very thirsty babies"

Some of my better work if I do say so myself. See the thing of it is that this particular profile I posted on a Christian Dating service. Does that make you shutter? At first I kind of chuckled at the idea. I mean come on, if that isn't the perfect set-up for hours and hours of entertainment, then what is the point of living. But the more and more I have looked into it, and thought about it, the more morbid it found it to be. If you take advantage of it from the perspective as I do, the "Just for fun, just use the free aspects of it" perspective, it is perfectly safe. Yet I feel as though it preys on those who take it seriously. And by that I mean, it lures in people claiming it is a Christian site, yet it is exactly like all the other sites out there, except it ask you what denomination you are/looking for and what your favorite bible verse is and why. Here is what I wrote in the one essay it asked about what we have taken from past relationships, maybe this will help with what I am trying to explain:

My past relationships have taught me...

Relationships eh? Isn't this ironic, much like rain on your wedding day. That we would be asked to write about relationships on a Christian Dating website. Does you see where I am going with this? Work with me here. Hold on though for a second, try this on for size. Isn't it ironic that not only do we have to write about them, but that the website itself is you catch my drift, do you feel me yet? There is only one relationship that we need to be focused on. Yet this website completely misses that point I feel. In fact if anything, it completely shift the focus, almost distorts it , on to the earthly relationships that our society, not just as Americans, but as members of the Human Race, has placed such importance on. In Matthew Christ tells us that we needn't worry about finding what we need to survive, that God provides for the lillys of the field, so why wouldn't He provide for us. This falls into that category. We don't need some fancy smansy computer data base to tell us what we need in a person, or who would be our perfect match. God knows exactly what we need and He will provide it for us when the time is right. In conclusion, What have past relationships taught me? They have taught me not to focus on the earthly ones....


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