The Mind of Scuba

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Fun times at work

Things I have learned in my new job: People are dumbasses. More specifically, people who live in Hernando County. For starters, I have stopped attemping to correct people in their grammar, because I ended up correcting about 8 out of every 10 sentences. The fun really starts to roll when they try to talk about politics. Liberals and Conservatives alike have no idea about what they are talking about. The other day a man came in, sat down and at the top of his lungs started to proclaim that Bush stole the 2000 election and that the they actual votes said that Gore won. First off, yes Gore won the majority vote, this is true, but Bush won the electoral College vote, the only one that matters. Then he went on to say he probably won the 2004 election outright, but that he wouldn't be surprised if the computers in Ohio won it for him. That they fixed the computers to vote for Bush, and since there were no hard copy back ups that the Republicans exploited this fact to get away with stealing the election. He said it was all this globalization, and that they were trying to make things all computerized so that the Republicans can hack into the computers and steal everything from everyone. He told me he would rather "do it like the founding fathers did it and cast there vote via stone tablet." (his exact words) I tried my best not to laughed out loud. This is the same guy that came rolling up in he H2 hummer yelling into his new razor cell phone. Then he started to tell me how CNN was filling me up with there conservative bias. This just baffled me, and was the true sign that this man knew absolutely nothing. I mean CNN is the most Liberal station on TV. Hell the entire media has a liberal bias. If you can't recognize that, you just need you right to vote revoked.
-"Well if I was President, I would make it a law that everyone has to be nice to everyone, and no one could stole or murder anyone."
-"And how would you enforce that"
-"Well...Uh...I would make it a law"


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