The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Gates of Hell

I have been to the gates of Hell in back, for they lie in the kitchen of Brooksville Country Club. It wasn't too bad thanks to the advice I recived from Remix. He told me that "you just have to put on a smile and suck it up...the key is to motivate this by loathing everyone else" (paraphrased) This method seems to work, and the best part is that it is not hard with those I work with. This certainly applies with my co-worker who we shall name, "The Gate Keeper". The Gate Keeper is a one person, mullet wearing, parade of hill billie pride. Being middle aged and I assume single, only because no man in his clear/sober man would touch her, she feels the need to constantly hit on every male...including the UPS man....poor poor UPS man...She tried all of her Gate Keeper Powers to seduce him into a date tonight, but the UPS stood tall, taking the bullet for the rest of us males at the club long enough for us to escape without her attempts on us...i would have to say that she is the middle age equvilant to Africa Sanchez...


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