The Mind of Scuba

Friday, May 19, 2006

Last Night

Last night was one of the more enjoyable nights I have had in a long time. We had a softball game, which became in severe threat of being rained out. Luckily the real heavy stuff missed us just north. Then only 8 people for our team showed up. We held our own for the first inning, and even scored a run, but in the top of the second, they unloaded on us. We went down 11-1 at one point. Two more of our players showed up and we made it a game. Our bats caught fire and we could do no wrong. We worked out way back to take the lead at 12-11 going into the top of the 7th. All we needed was to get 3 outs...which we did, after we let up 4 runs. But we still had our last atbats, and it only took 5 batters for us to score 4 runs and win the game. The other team was real cool too. They seemed to have just as much fun as we did. Then went on to play some Settlers of of the best board games ever...

ps...this is one of the most depressing but excellent videos ever...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

what they do

Yo so this song is pretty much the best song ever. I am a little disappointed because i have been unable to find the original video, which is the same video, but with little pop up pointing out the steotypes in the video. The song is a total bash on the hip hop and the current music scene. Listen to the lyrics, they are right one. The Roots kick ass, for one they are from philly, two they are origianal yo, and they can just flat out play. Simply put, don't be a pussy and make you own music and don't fall into the mainstream. which is kind of ironic because it has become mainstream to be "Different" but then everyone ends up the same...greenday and the punk scene, i am looking at you...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Just say no to steriods

The other day when I was at the gym, there were these two guys who were just massively huge. I mean they had to take the 'roids, either that or they have been lifting since they were born. The thing of it is, they were too big to be functional. They could barely walk, let alone do anything else. Infact I don't think I would have been all that scared if I were to get in a fight, mostly because they probably couldn't lift their arms high enough to hit me. Even if they didn't use steriods, it is still wrong. What is the point of getting so big if you can't function. I would have to say that they were way past the point of helping themselves, and inched closer to killing themselves with muscle wuth each clean. They both were pushing 400lbs easily. Imagine how much strain that puts on their body. One of the main reason's I lift, besides to stay healthy, is to function better as an athlete. I mean I see all these big guy in the gym, and they might be able to lift more, but I can assure you I can kick their ass in whatever they do, basketball football, baseball, hockey, running, whatever it is. [well it helps in basketball that I am 6'4" and most of the people in the gym are 5'8" with an inferioty complex.] Lift to get better, not bigger yo.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The problem with perfect hair

When you have perfect hair, like myself, there a big problem arises when you go to get it cut. No matter who does it, or what they do to it, they just can't make it look better then when it grows on its own. All they end up doing is making you look like a penis. Then you have to wait a week or two for your perfect hair to correct itself by growing out. I guess it must be real intimidating for someone like me to walk into a barber shop or the hair cuttery. Today when I went, I could see the fear in the woman's eyes when I walked in. She must have been saying, "Why in all the hair cuttery's in all the world, did he have to walk into mine." I would imagine it would be like Jesus walking into a church service. What pastor could enjoy that? I mean no matter how well they speak and or what they say, they can't beat Jesus. You really start to notice it when they ask you not to come back anymore. They say, "We just can't bring ourselves to cut your hair, please find somewhere else to go." Sometimes, they don't even say anything, they just stand there and pet your head. Every once and awhile you get someone new, who just can't recognize the privilege that has been placed in their chair. They are the ones that ask, "Do you want some product in your hair?" Most of the time the manager is steps in a pulls them a side, apologizing spewing from their mouth, and tells them "You jackass! To put product in hair like that is like putting a silly puddy all over the Sistine Chapel." But I usually step in an explain that sometimes people stop thinking when they around me. It is just another problem that comes with having perfect hair.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Status Quo is the Devil

People live life like a story, they always seem to return to status quo. Maybe because that is what is easiest for us. Maybe we are just too accepting to the conditions around us. The road that is more traveled upon is much clearer then the one that is not. To often I find there are plenty of people to complain about the problems that occur, yet nobody is willing to step up. We avoid confrentation, because that is what we have been raised to do in this politically correct society we now live in. No wonder so many people are so freaking depressed these days. They are all to quick to settle for what is given to them, and don't go out there and work for what they can truly achieve. That is how we have reached the point in time we are now in. People kept rationalizing that their life was "good enough" and even if there were certain a lot of bad things, there were a couple of good things and it is the best they can do. Heaven forbid someone goes out and do something to improve their life. They might step on someones toes, or hurt someone elses feelings. Case in point: Kutztown Christian Fellowship...Here is an organization that has never let a woman speaker speak, obviouse there is something is wrong with that. Not to mention that is pretty much another class, were you sit down and take notes off of a power point presentation. I am sorry, but after going through a day full of classes, that was that last thing I wanted to do. The only reason I would go would be to play guitar and hang with the cool people. Yet people would just mind their own busniess and let things go on how they were. People would just complain and complain, but do nothing about it, because it would step on people toes and hurt their feelings. So Jimmy and myself started to step for them. We created In the Light, and a lot of people were mad. When we did this, I talked one of my greatest mentors in my life, Charity. and she told me this, which i will pass along to you as a closing thought. "Never settle for status quo my friend, go out there and change the world..."

Monday, May 01, 2006

May, the month of Wisdom...

So recently i put two and two together that Proverbs has 31 chapters in it, much like 7 months of the year, including May. So this month I have put forth the goal to read a chapter of Proverbs a day as a daily devotion, and quite frankly I pretty stoked about it. It is written by my favorite by far of the Bible authors, Solomon. He was one wise dude, I mean he is like the Brain, except he didn't try to take over the world everynight, mostly because he already had it though. i would say that he is the 2nd wisest person in the Bible, behind Christ. Anyway....So I am really stoked about the summer, This years staff is pretty much going to totally kick ass. The only bad thing is if we were to tie into the tower...Who freakin ties in at a climbing tower? Slap a boline on a bite [only pansey's use a super 8] on that rope and stick a beaner through it and you are set. but what ever...