The Mind of Scuba

Friday, May 19, 2006

Last Night

Last night was one of the more enjoyable nights I have had in a long time. We had a softball game, which became in severe threat of being rained out. Luckily the real heavy stuff missed us just north. Then only 8 people for our team showed up. We held our own for the first inning, and even scored a run, but in the top of the second, they unloaded on us. We went down 11-1 at one point. Two more of our players showed up and we made it a game. Our bats caught fire and we could do no wrong. We worked out way back to take the lead at 12-11 going into the top of the 7th. All we needed was to get 3 outs...which we did, after we let up 4 runs. But we still had our last atbats, and it only took 5 batters for us to score 4 runs and win the game. The other team was real cool too. They seemed to have just as much fun as we did. Then went on to play some Settlers of of the best board games ever...

ps...this is one of the most depressing but excellent videos ever...


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