The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Status Quo is the Devil

People live life like a story, they always seem to return to status quo. Maybe because that is what is easiest for us. Maybe we are just too accepting to the conditions around us. The road that is more traveled upon is much clearer then the one that is not. To often I find there are plenty of people to complain about the problems that occur, yet nobody is willing to step up. We avoid confrentation, because that is what we have been raised to do in this politically correct society we now live in. No wonder so many people are so freaking depressed these days. They are all to quick to settle for what is given to them, and don't go out there and work for what they can truly achieve. That is how we have reached the point in time we are now in. People kept rationalizing that their life was "good enough" and even if there were certain a lot of bad things, there were a couple of good things and it is the best they can do. Heaven forbid someone goes out and do something to improve their life. They might step on someones toes, or hurt someone elses feelings. Case in point: Kutztown Christian Fellowship...Here is an organization that has never let a woman speaker speak, obviouse there is something is wrong with that. Not to mention that is pretty much another class, were you sit down and take notes off of a power point presentation. I am sorry, but after going through a day full of classes, that was that last thing I wanted to do. The only reason I would go would be to play guitar and hang with the cool people. Yet people would just mind their own busniess and let things go on how they were. People would just complain and complain, but do nothing about it, because it would step on people toes and hurt their feelings. So Jimmy and myself started to step for them. We created In the Light, and a lot of people were mad. When we did this, I talked one of my greatest mentors in my life, Charity. and she told me this, which i will pass along to you as a closing thought. "Never settle for status quo my friend, go out there and change the world..."


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