The Mind of Scuba

Friday, May 05, 2006

Just say no to steriods

The other day when I was at the gym, there were these two guys who were just massively huge. I mean they had to take the 'roids, either that or they have been lifting since they were born. The thing of it is, they were too big to be functional. They could barely walk, let alone do anything else. Infact I don't think I would have been all that scared if I were to get in a fight, mostly because they probably couldn't lift their arms high enough to hit me. Even if they didn't use steriods, it is still wrong. What is the point of getting so big if you can't function. I would have to say that they were way past the point of helping themselves, and inched closer to killing themselves with muscle wuth each clean. They both were pushing 400lbs easily. Imagine how much strain that puts on their body. One of the main reason's I lift, besides to stay healthy, is to function better as an athlete. I mean I see all these big guy in the gym, and they might be able to lift more, but I can assure you I can kick their ass in whatever they do, basketball football, baseball, hockey, running, whatever it is. [well it helps in basketball that I am 6'4" and most of the people in the gym are 5'8" with an inferioty complex.] Lift to get better, not bigger yo.


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