The Mind of Scuba

Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas, and whatever else I feel like writing...

Yeah so it has been a while since I have done this, but you know, what better time to start again then now. Last night I spent some quality time on my roof just reflecting, not on anything in particular, but just reflecting. Of course I was listening to music, more specifically, a CD I burned that I refer to as my Christmas+ CD. It has Christmas songs on it, but it is also filled with others. Anyway, what I am getting at is that I have Dave Matthews "Christmas Song". I have posted it above for those who haven't heard it, but for back a little back round info, Dave Matthews, being agnostic, describes it as "just a song about an amazing man who got screwed." Yet this song is probably the best song embracing all that is Christmas, even more Christianity in general. We as a society have turned Christmas into all that is Christianity. I mean take this for example, you meet a kid on the street, you ask them if they are a Christian, they say, "I dunno". What is the next question you are probably going to ask. "Well do you celebrate Christmas?" right? Christmas is great and all, we are right to celebrate the birth of Christ. But, we need not forget that if He didn't die for our sins, and more importantly, rise from the dead, then Him being born wouldn't be all that important. That is what is so great about "Christmas Song". I mean you would think by the title that it would be about Christmas, but Christ birth is only talked about in the very beginning. In fact, right after the it talks about the kings bringing the gifts and the chorus, then it goes right into a verse about Christ dying on the cross. The rest of the song goes onto talk about His life, and the events leading up to his death. Perfect. There is no song, either Secular or Christian, that so fully grasp this concept. And this from a man who claims to be agnostic. On the other hand though, as Protestant Christians, shouldn't we all be a little agnostic. I think the problem is that all too often agnostic is immediately coupled with atheism. Yet agnosticism, is only the belief that there is no absolute proof that there is a God. In away though, isn't that a bit true. Think of it this way. If there was a court case to prove that God existed or not, what evidence could you bring forth to say there was a God? That He is in the sunsets? That He wrote a book through men for us? He appeared in a dream? He appeared in someones french toast? All this is nothing more then circumstantial evidence. Before you say to yourself, "Self, don't listen to Scuba, he has gone of the deep end" there is one key ingredient that I have purposely left out. We don't need to prove that God exist, we have Faith. In fact, if we did, no, if we were able to prove that God existed, Faith would be pointless. Take what is said as you will....peace be the journey


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