The Mind of Scuba

Thursday, April 27, 2006

My take on Salvation

Recently, I have been debating with a lot of people on the role of Salvation and how it plays into Christianity. I think that we as a Christian culture, in whole, put focus too much on it, and are blinded by it, forgeting the true message of Christ. Don't get me wrong, Salvation is a huge part of Christianity, and is very important, but I think people view it as an end, and once Salvation in obtained, that they are set and don't have to worry about anything else until they die. I beg to differ, in that Salvation is not an end, yet the begining. It is the begining of a relationship between you and God. I find too many new Christians are brought into Christianity under the influence that Salvation is the end all be all, then they go out and start trying to "save" people a week after they themselves have been "saved". how can one truly understand all that is "Christianity" in just a week. I have been a Christian for 21 years and i have not come anywhere close to grasping all that is God. Simply put, Christ gave us the great blessing of "Go thee into all the world and preach my Gospel to every nation." What is Christ Gospel? I for one have yet to find any place in the Gospels where Christ got up on a box in the street corner and scared the hell right out of people. In fact i have only found that complete opposite. Christ preached love and kindness, not hate and fear. And isn't that what salvation is all about anyway? the fact that God loves us so much that He doesn't want to see us die? To prove my point, the "evangaliser's" [put in quote due to the fact that what most of them do isn't really evangalism, and they give evanglism a bad name due to it] number one weapon is their pocket bible. In their pocket bible, the verse that appears the most is John 3:16 "for God so loved the world..." [the reason it appears the "most" is because it is translated into 30 different languaes, because you never know when you are going to stuble across someone that speaks Sinhalese on the streets.] Yet honestly I can't even tell you the last time i heard someone on the street corner, or anywhere, try to bring people to Christ with that verse. Now a days it is all about Romans and Revelations, and escaping the fires of hell...Well to wrap this all up, i will end with a quote that sums up everything, because honestly the Beatles said it best, "Love is all you need."


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