The Mind of Scuba

Friday, April 21, 2006


So I finally saw RENT! The other day...I was kind of excited because "Seasons of Love" is a pretty kick ass song. Low and behold it was the first song...Then it was all down hill from there....Can you say "Liberal Propaganda" kids? The next song goes on to talk about how people refuse to pay last year rent. They give no good reason except for that they don't have the money, and that the landlord was one of them, but then decided to marry a rich girl and get a job, and since he is a sell out they shouldn't have to pay him. It is great to stick it to the man, trust me I do it every chance I get, but these people are adults, out of college, living in the real world. Take some responsibility. Getting a job does not equal selling out. Using common sense is not selling out. Another thing, the one dude freaking killed a dog for money...And what does he do with the money, he spends it on alcohol and then takes everyone and there life partner out for drinks. Why not pay your rent? Why not give it to the homeless that you just "rallied to save"? That one homeless woman hit the ball on the head. Don't act like you know everything and that you way is the only way, and don't freaking make people your cause.


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