The Mind of Scuba

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Dear Barry Bonds

Dear Barry Bonds,
Why do you feel it nessisary to cry on national TV? Do you think it will draw compassion from me? Do you hope it will make me feel sorry that the media has ripped you to shreds? Yes the media, for the most part, are absolute dicks, but for you to be calling them dicks, is like the kettle calling the pot black. You are the one who admitted to a grand jury you did steriods, albeit "unknowingly", but ignorance is never an excuse. You are an adult, you went to college, you should have had knowlege of what you were putting into your body. You have brought this upon yourself my, and it is only now that you relize the consequences of you actions over pretty much your entire career. Be a man and own up to it, don't spin me some sob story of how everyone is trying to bring you down. I have a strange feeling that you are on the same tracks as Mike Tyson and Michael Jackson. I will pray for you Barry Bonds, 'cause where your life is heading, you need all the help you can get.


  • haha, necessary not nessisary, not even a typo there!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:42 PM  

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