The Mind of Scuba

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Remember the Little Guys

I find that often we forget about the little guys of the Bible. We don't read from the books of Jude, or the letters from John, or very many other of those small books. For starters, it is easy, since they are small. But more importantly the pack a good punch of inspirational thoughts and wisdom. Here is one of my all time favorites from 1 Timothy 6 11-1, my translation of course:
"But as for you child of God, run away from all of this. Keep your eyes on righteousness, godliness, faith, love, loyalty, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, and hold onto the eternal life granted to you when you gave yourself to Christ. It was infront of God, your creator, and Christ you made the your commitment. You have been charged to keep your life unstained and free from criticism until Christ comes again, and will be made manifest at the proper time by the Ruler of all, King of kings, who alone is immortal, and lives in an unreachable light, never seen by man, not that he could anyway. It is to Him that goes the honor, Amen. "

a nice little nugget I think. I suggest reading 1 Timothy, James and Jude, easily can be done in an afternoon, if not over 2-3 days. and no i cant spell


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