The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Who was Christ exactly?

While in Florida, Murph and I had a debate one night that got me thinking. Who exactly was Christ? Was He God? Was He half God, half human? Why did he utter the phrase "Why have You forsaken me?" Recently, I heard a pastor talk about a possible explaintion that also had me thinking. He said that Christ was a human, and lived as a true human should, while we were sub-humans, falling short of the bar Christ has set for us. I don't know how I feel about that. It is an interesting point of view, yet I feel that it cheapen Chirst, and puts into question His devinity. Here is what I think. I think Christ was God in human form. Now this doesn't mean that He was God, or that He was half God, half human, it means simply that he was God in human form. It is hard to explain in words, you kind of have to grasp the concept of how I am thinking, which isn't always an easy feat. It is kind of like He came down, and had 'power', but also had the full range of human emotions to affect His thinking, which would sway His whole persepectives on things. I feel this is why He prays "Why have you forsaken me" on the cross, or why He asks for the cup to be passed from Him. Here the human emotions have shifted His thinking, causing Him to lose focus of the big picture, much like we do everyday. The proof for my crazy whacked out thinking? Two simple words in John, "Jesus wept." John 11:35


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