The Mind of Scuba

Monday, April 10, 2006

Judas and Faith

As you might know, they just finished translating the "Gospel of Judas", a book dating back 1700 years ago. In this 26 page book, Judas is painted as a figure who is not the bad guy in the passion story, but yet the good guy. Jesus and Judas both planned for Judas to "betray" Jesus, thus living out the prophesy, and "allowing Jesus to escape his physical body". Now of course this story, if ture, would bring in to question the true divinity of Christ, and I think of it as incorrect. the carbon dating puts the book as written in about 300AD, where as Christ and Judas both died in about 29AD. It is believed that this book was written by Gnostic Christians, who lived around the time this was written, and also wrote the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Thomas. Clearly an accurate account of what really happened can't be written 250 years after the fact. Yet due to the word Gnostic attached to this book, most Christians will quickly brush this aside. This is believe is the wrong move. Many Christians aren't the required "Movers and Shakers", most are simply the shakened and moved. To prevent this, they tend to swallow everything told to them by a hire power, instead of looking through things and finding stuff out for themselves. Judas catches a bad name because of this. I mean it was probably God who moved his heart to betray Christ. The Devil had to know that if Christ died, being perfect and free from sin, that he would lose his power of death, so why would he start the process? Judas was just like us, mearly puppets in Gods big plan. It could have been anyone of the 12 diciples, but in true God manner, he picked the more dramatic choice in Judas. See Judas was the treasurer of the apostles, this means that he was the most trusted. A big problem with Christians today is that they will brush my theory off because they arent willing to test or question their faith. But if you don't question your faith, then it isnt faith, just ignorance...thats all i have to say about that


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