The Mind of Scuba

Friday, March 24, 2006


Tonight I think it finally hit me that I am home. It happened when I went to go see my sister Jacqui in "Grease" at DHES. Once again I found myself in the middle of the WASP (White Anglo-Saxton Protestants) of the world. It truly hit me when I saw the kid sitting next to me was wearing two americian eagle golf shirts, the top one being pink, with both collars popped, a sight never seen in such a place of Brooksville Florida. To top that he played with his razor phone while listening to his i-pod and drinking his starbucks coffee...during the entire musical. He was your stereotypical "I am going to be a cool flaming liberal and save the whales while freeing Tibet...until i graduate college and realize that i am really a conservative..." This again would perpetuate the saying that all liberals are just uneducated conservatives. But this dude I bet if I asked him where he stood right now. he would tell me he was a moderate. Now this is was really steams my clams... As Justice Antonin Scalia says "What is a moderate interpretation of the text? [constitution] Halfway between what it really means and what you’d like it to mean? There is no such thing as a moderate interpretation of the text." Basically partyline politics bites ass. dont define yourself by what political party you belong to, I certainly dont define myself by being a libertarian. Be whoever you are, not some popped collar minion of the man..Andd dont play with damn phone next to me in a theatre...dumbass


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