The Mind of Scuba

Monday, March 20, 2006

From Florida to Power Rangers

So lets just say that this past weekend was pretty much the craziest weekend ever. And by crazy I mean, Crrrazy. First off let me start by saying this, Driving 16 straight hours, by yourself, is not a good idea. Second, amassing a total of 65 minutes of sleep over a 48 hour period is alsoi a bad idea. Much like crack, just say no. This weekend I learned just how good of a friend coffee really is. After driving staight from Florida to Pocono Plateau, I found myself facilitating Co-op High at 9:30 in the mourning, when it was a brisk 21 degrees. Just to put things in perspective, At 11 AM the previous mourning, I was playing bball with Murph in Florida, it was 86 degrees. After that it was off to be a counselor for the childrens retreat, and by counsel, I mean hang out in the shop, tear down co-op, eat lunch with the staff, and lead games in fellowship hall. It wasn't until about 4pm when I acutally was with my group as an athority figure. That night was fun Bush Remix and myself managed to get the kids to bed at 9:35, leaving us plenty of time to talk. At this point I was reaching the 48 hours on 65 minutes of sleep mark, so I was a little out of it. I know that we discussed the horrible display of racism that is the Power Rangers, and that the yellow ranger was the corner stone to Remix's Asian fetish. All in all it was a pretty kick ass weekend. It is good to be back in PA


  • If by Asian fetish you mean appreciation for beautiful christian women then yes your on to something there.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 8:24 PM  

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