The Mind of Scuba

Sunday, March 26, 2006

My motto, or creed, or credto if you will

"Know this my beloved bretheran. Let every man be quick to hear and slow to speck, slow to anger, for the anger of a man does not work the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rank gorwth of wickedness and recieve with meekness the implanted work, which is able to save your soul. But be doers of the word and not just hearers, lying to yourself. For if anyone is only a hearer, they are like the person who looks in the mirror; for they see themselves, but forget what they look like as soon as they step away. But those who read the word, and act upon the word, and do not forget, like the hearers, they shall be blessed in all their doings. If you think yourself religious, yet do not think before you speak, and decieve your heart, then your religion is in vain. Religion must be pure before God, and tend for those in need, while remaining unstained from the world. Whoever know what the right thing to do is, yet fails to do it, has sinned against God." James 1:19-27, 4:17 (SV)

"And I claimed, 'Woe is me! For I am lost; I am a man with stained lips, amongst people with stained lips, for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.' Then an angel flew down from heaven, and in his hands, a burning coal from the alter of the Lord. And he touched it to my lips and proclaimed, 'Behold, this has touched your lips; let you guilt be taken away and sins forgiven!' Then I heard the noice of the Lord saying 'Whom shall I send, who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here I am, send me...'" Isaiah 6:5-8 (SV)

These are two verse read in church today, well the scuba translation atleast, I think there were just what I needed to hear, and I hope they help you like they did me...


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