The Mind of Scuba

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

some bible and bball

Okay, plain and simple, I love God, but I would have to say that the there are some christians that just they really chap my lips. I mean God bless them, they love the Lord and we all have our ways, but they just give christianity a bad name. Yesterday I played bball with these three guys, and they just had poor attitudes. First off i was on another court doing my thing, and they call me over to play a game, which is cool i don't mind. As soon as I get over the one dude hands me a track and asked me if i died right then and there did i know i would go to heaven. Well i have som problems with this question. I mean do I believe I am saved? Yes, but do I know without a doubt that I would go to heaven, no i just believe, i have faith. God has not parted the clouds and said "Steve I do exist and I got you back yo." That would be to easy, I dont think God wants that. It is all about faith. So then we start playing and they just did not display a good christian attitude. First off they stacked the teams in their favor. (Granted I was on the other team but they stacked it the best they could.) Then they would just tackle someone when they went down the lane. Then there was the show boating, color comentary, and boasting. These are things that I can all deal with, I mean I been through worse on the courts, but once my team got up, they just became soar losers. the last straw was when we would check the ball up and they would roll the ball back. That is the ultimate sign of disrespect, and quick frankly a dick and a half move. I am sorry but if you are going to be handing out tracks at the begining of the game, practice what you preach brother. this is a big reason why people hate us, cause there is a small percentage of christians that are just hypocratic dicks


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