The Mind of Scuba

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Yesterday was a day of highs and lows...It started of great, Murph and I got up early and went golfing, and then went to a place to get breakfast. While eating, Murph got a paper and we learned of the very sad news that Kirby Puckett had died. Then I went into work, where the spoiled old people complained that the iced tea was too weak, when the fact of the matter was they would ask for a glass filled with ice, then let it sit there and melt then drink the stuff and complain. I hate how people who are "rich" (I put rich in quotation marks because members of brooksville country club are by no means rich, I could be a member there, it is only 200$ a month for the Elite Membership, my credit card bill is higher then that in a month.) The owner of the club was there and he got iced tea, but he didnt complain, he is cool. Then I played another round of golf by myself, where I drove the green of a par 4 (Hit the ball on the green in one shot) which was pretty sweet. Then came home played some bball, tended to my new tattoo, which itches like a bitch and I can't scratch it, drank some crown royal wiskey and had a stogie and talk about God with Murph. A pretty solid packed day I would say.


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